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How to handle your first Pull Request on GitHub?

I'm relatively new to Git. My knowledge thus far includes git add push commit. That's about it, and until now it served me well enough. :)

However this morning someone sent me a pull request, which as I've read means someone forked my repository, made some tweaks and is flagging me saying, "Hey Sergio, I made some improvement. Consider them for the master branch."

Am I correct?


If so, how do I easily merge this users changes into the master branch of the repository? What commands do I need to fire? More importantly, can someone explain the process in layman terms to what has to happen?

Thank you.

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Only Bolivian Here Avatar asked Apr 20 '11 03:04

Only Bolivian Here

People also ask

How do I handle a pull request GitHub?

The only way to update a Pull Request is adding a new remote that has a reference to the fork of the contributor who created it. If you have permissions to write in their fork, you can push any changes to the Pull Request branch in their remote and it will be updated on the Github Pull Request Web UI automatically.

What are you doing when opening a pull request?

Pull requests let you tell others about changes you've pushed to a branch in a repository on GitHub. Once a pull request is opened, you can discuss and review the potential changes with collaborators and add follow-up commits before your changes are merged into the base branch.

How do you respond to a pull request?

Responding to review feedback. You will receive feedback on your pull request. Respond to the feedback by making changes in your working copy, committing them, and pushing them to GitHub when the tests pass locally. As soon as you receive feedback, you can start working on it.

What should I write in a pull request GitHub?

Approach to writing a Pull RequestInclude the purpose of this Pull Request. For example: This is a spike to explore… Consider providing an overview of why the work is taking place (with any relevant links); don't assume familiarity with the history.

1 Answers

You have the right idea. if that set of changes looks useful to you then you probably want to merge it into your repository.

Github offers a nice guide to responding to pull requests: https://help.github.com/articles/using-pull-requests I'd start with that and see if you have any more specific questions about the process.

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Jonah Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 12:11
