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GitHub repository not listing in Google search [closed]

I created my first repository with GitHub but when I try to google it, its not listing RoboSpice-Extn-Retrofit-Tutorial


I don't know how long it will take. On the other hand anyone can take a help of Google Webmaster, this would solve your problem in minutes :)

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Amit Yadav Avatar asked Oct 05 '14 04:10

Amit Yadav

2 Answers

That repo seems to have been created less than an hour ago.
Give Google a little time to parse the new repos, and it should show up.

Note that it is referenced by GitHub search already:


As the OP used the Webmaster Tools to submit its url, the repo is now indexed in Google.

Update 2019: the section "Enabling GitHub Pages to publish your site from master or gh-pages" is now (since 2014) more precise:

To select master or gh-pages as your publishing source, you must have the branch present in your repository.
If you don't have a master or gh-pages branch, you can create them and then return to source settings to change your publishing source.

Once the correct branch is created/populated, and selected as the publishing source, the Google indexing seems to be very quick.

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VonC Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 22:09


This is how I managed to get at least my github pages-page to be found on Google:

  1. go to google search console https://search.google.com/search-console/
  2. add new "property" with "URL prefix" as suggested
  3. add the meta tag on your github-pages site (html-head) as described, looks like <meta name="google-site-verification" content="...">
  4. paste your page URL to the "search bar" on the top of the search console and press <Enter>. Important: use full path to page, including the .html page, e.g. https://<user>.github.io/<your repo>/demo/index.html
  5. Click on "request indexing"

I first only did points 1-3 with the URL https://<user>.github.io/<my-repo>/demo/ and the page still did not show up after waiting for a month. However after doing points (4) and (5) my github-pages site immediately showed up in the Google search results.

edit: one day later also the github repository showed up on Google search (but maybe only because I link the original repository in my github-pages site).

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klues Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 22:09
