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Git Bash Command on Windows, yarn command not found




People also ask

How do I fix command not found on yarn?

To solve the error "yarn: command not found", install the yarn package globally by running npm install -g yarn and restart your terminal. If the command fails, run it with sudo and make sure the correct PATH is set in your system's environment variable.

Why is yarn not recognized?

To solve the error "'yarn' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file", install the yarn package globally by running npm install -g yarn , restart your terminal and make sure your PATH environment variable is set up correctly.

How do I add yarn to Windows PATH?

On "System Properties" dialog, click on "Environment Variables..." button. Select "Path" and click on "Edit..." button. Click on "New" button to add a new path to search. Paste the yarn global binary path copied in Step 1 and click "OK" for all open dialog boxes to save the change.

If you are using Mintty (Bash) then you simply do npm install -g yarn

You probably just did not install yarn yet. Have a look at the yarn installation for Windows here:


The official Yarn setup does not tell you you need to restart your computer, but you actually have to before you can use it from your shell. So, install it from


then restart your PC and you should be able to run yarn from your console.

Working in Visual Studio Code?

  1. Open a new terminal

    • Click "Terminal" → "New Terminal"


    • Simply use ctrl+shift+` (backtick)

      • (this backtick button is on the left of the 1 key and below Esc)
  2. Once the Terminal is active, install Yarn by running npm install -g yarn.

  3. Verify the installation was successful by running yarn --version.