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Github Pull Request Builder - Test this please not trigger build

I've configured the Github Pull Request Builder following the instructions in README

It seems work via cron ONLY - it runs the job every hour. However, directly commenting "test this please" or push to repository does not trigger the build. I've a 'bot' jenkins-user as admin in my repository. I've also enabled github-webhook and /jenkins/ghprbhook under Webhooks & Services

I want to know how the PR Builder react to the "test this please" comment.. is there a way I can monitor it?

like image 269
xialin Avatar asked Feb 13 '23 09:02


1 Answers

Basically, if you follow the instruction and setup the Pull Request Builder, it's a cron.

For every periodic run, it detects if there's a new commit or "test this please" comment after last check. If yes, then it will trigger the build.

Note that, GHPRB will create a temp branch that merges your PR code to default branch. And it will alert you if there's conflict in the code.

like image 88
xialin Avatar answered Feb 15 '23 09:02
