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GitHub - how to find original author after zillion of social forks?



On GitHub someone fork a project, next this project also is forked and so on...

How to find original page/author of the project on GitHub?

Is it possible to view a social graph of forks?

How can one know if two repositories unrelated?

like image 970
gavenkoa Avatar asked Mar 19 '23 17:03


1 Answers

Is it possible to view social graph of forks?

Yes, it is called the "Network Graph Visualizer"


The "original" repo is the one with the oldest commit. This can be accessed via the project page, click Insights top tab then click left-side tab Network (using Desktop browser, as of January 2019).

An alternative to list forks of a repo is branchesapp.

like image 153
VonC Avatar answered Apr 25 '23 09:04
