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github api get number of pull requests



through the GitHub API, is it possible to get the number of open pull requests for a repository without downloading all the extra data related to the pull requests themselves?

For example, when you get the list of your repositories, for each of the repo you can see the number of open issues. Is there a similar property for open pull requests?

like image 618
Simone Vicentini Avatar asked Oct 26 '12 21:10

Simone Vicentini

People also ask

How do I count pull requests in GitHub?

1 Answer. Show activity on this post. You can use a search query to look for issues : with type pr : type:pr.

How do I check my pull requests?

You can also find pull requests that you've been asked to review. At the top of any page, click Pull requests or Issues. Optionally, choose a filter or use the search bar to filter for more specific results.

1 Answers

You might also take a look at the search api https://developer.github.com/v3/search/#search-issues. Looks like you can filter on type and probably also on closed or not :)

As suggested by codea in the comments:

like image 167
Manuel van Rijn Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 20:11

Manuel van Rijn