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Get when the file was last updated from a Github repository

I'm able to get the file contents (and if it's a folder, I'm able to get the list of files) by using the GitHub v3 API. Example:


But how can I know when the file was last updated? Is there an API for that?

like image 460
Nicke Manarin Avatar asked May 05 '18 21:05

Nicke Manarin

People also ask

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If we use git log -p -- b , we can see all the changes on b without knowing the commit hash. If you want to see only the last change, you can use git log -p -1 -- b .

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When you start a new repository, you typically want to add all existing files so that your changes will all be tracked from that point forward. So, the first command you'll typically type is "git add ." (the "." means, this directory. So, it will add everything in this directory.) I'll type "git add ." and press Enter.

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3 Answers

If you know the exact file path, you can use list commits on repository API specifying a path which only includes commits with this specific file path and then extract the most recent commit (the most recent is the first one) :

Using Rest API v3


Using curl & jq :

curl -s "https://api.github.com/repos/bertrandmartel/speed-test-lib/commits?path=jspeedtest%2Fbuild.gradle&page=1&per_page=1" | \
     jq -r '.[0].commit.committer.date'

Using GraphqQL API v4

  repository(owner: "bertrandmartel", name: "speed-test-lib") {
    ref(qualifiedName: "refs/heads/master") {
      target {
        ... on Commit {
          history(first: 1, path: "jspeedtest/build.gradle") {
            edges {
              node {

Try it in the explorer

Using curl & jq :

curl -s -H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_TOKEN" \
     -H  "Content-Type:application/json" \
     -d '{ 
          "query": "{ repository(owner: \"bertrandmartel\", name: \"speed-test-lib\") { ref(qualifiedName: \"refs/heads/master\") { target { ... on Commit { history(first: 1, path: \"jspeedtest/build.gradle\") { edges { node { committedDate } } } } } } } }"
         }' https://api.github.com/graphql | \
     jq -r '.data.repository.ref.target.history.edges[0].node.committedDate'
like image 151
Bertrand Martel Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 05:10

Bertrand Martel

Using Python

pip install PyGithub

from github import Github
g = Github()
repo = g.get_repo("datasets/population")
commits = repo.get_commits(path='data/population.csv')
if commits.totalCount:


2020-04-14 15:09:26


like image 26
Paul Menzies Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 04:10

Paul Menzies

That would be surprising, considering git does not store file timestamps (and other metadata like permissions and ownership), for reasons I detailed here.

So that information is not present on the remote repository side (here GitHub) either.

like image 31
VonC Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 05:10
