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Github: Find PRs where user is a reviewer

Github added reviewers.

Is there a way to find PRs (e.g. on the Pull Requests page) where the user is a reviewer? Things I have already tried:

  • Checked https://help.github.com/articles/searching-issues/ for a filter:

    None found

  • Tested potential filters reviewer:{{user}}, review:{{user}}

    No PRs returned

  • Tested the involved:{{user}} filter

    PRs with the user as only a reviewer are not shown in results.

like image 714
Mark C Avatar asked Jan 06 '17 13:01

Mark C

People also ask

How do I search PRs on GitHub?

You can filter by code/repos/issues/etc on the left. To see pull requests, click the Issues filter. Show activity on this post. It searches for both issues and pull request.

How do I see review requests on GitHub?

Try the link https://github.com/pulls/review-requested, which shows you all Pull Requests that you've been tagged in as a reviewer. Note that you may have to click the Open or Closed buttons on that page to filter the Pull Requests you wish to see.

How do I add reviewers to PR on GitHub?

Under your repository name, click Pull requests. In the list of pull requests, click the pull request that you'd like to ask a specific person or a team to review. Navigate to Reviewers in the right sidebar. To request a review from a suggested person under Reviewers, next to their username, click Request.

How do I find my old PRs on GitHub?

Visit github.com/pulls to see all your PRs. You end up in the same place, but you don't have to navigate through the UI, which is bound to change over time. Also, Johnsyweb's answer (with dashboard in the URL) redirects to the URL I've posted and GitHub might, at some point, break that old legacy URL.

1 Answers

As of 2017-01-23, Github have added this functionality.


You can filter pull requests based their review status (none, required, approved, changes requested, or required), by reviewer, and by requested reviewer. For example:

type:pr review:none Matches pull requests that have not been reviewed.

type:pr review:required Matches pull requests that require a review before they can be merged.

type:pr review:approved Matches pull requests that a reviewer has approved.

type:pr review:changes_requested Matches pull requests in which a reviewer has asked for changes.

type:pr reviewed-by:gjtorikian Matches pull requests reviewed by a particular person.

type:pr review-requested:benbalter Matches pull requests a particular person has been asked to review.

Personal PRs

A new tab can be seen on personal PR page https://github.com/pulls

Project PRs (e.g. Symfony)

A new filter can be seen on the project PR page e.g. https://github.com/symfony/symfony/pulls

like image 166
Mark C Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 18:09

Mark C