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Git, see a list of comments of my last N commits




People also ask

How can we see n most recent commits in git?

Viewing a list of the latest commits. If you want to see what's happened recently in your project, you can use git log . This command will output a list of the latest commits in chronological order, with the latest commit first.

How can I see previous commit messages?

git log -1 will display the latest commit message or git log -1 --oneline if you only want the sha1 and associated commit message to be displayed. Show activity on this post. git log -1 branch_name will show you the last message from the specified branch (i.e. not necessarily the branch you're currently on).

Which command is used to check last 5 commits?

The git log command includes many options for displaying diffs with each commit. Two of the most common options are --stat and -p .

How do I see my git history?

Git file History provides information about the commit history associated with a file. To use it: Go to your project's Repository > Files. In the upper right corner, select History.

If you want to use the command line you can use the --author=<your name>

For example: to see your last 5 commits

git log -n 5 --author=Salvador

If you want a simpler one line solution:

git log --oneline -n 5 --author=Salvador

Edited to add

If you like the single line version, try creating an alias for git log like this (this is what I have for zsh)

alias glog="git log --graph --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset' --abbrev-commit"

Now, I can just use:

glog -n 5

And I get a nice output such as:

Terminal output

Which is colourised, shows the name of the author and also shows the graph and you can still pass in other flags (such as --author) which lets you filter it even more.

Use the --author and/or --committer filtering options with git log, plus the -n option to limit the number of commits. For example:

git log --author='Salvador Dali' -n 10

git log --format="%h %B" --oneline -n 1

This will get you latest git log comment block with abbreviated commit id.

git log --format="%H %B" -n 1

This will get you latest git log comment block with full commit id.

You can build your own format from : Git Pretty Format

git log --author="My name" -n 5 (see man git-log for all alternatives)

See a list of comments of last N commits

git log --oneline -10

Check out to an older commit

git ckeckout 3e6bb80

Get back to the latest commit after checking out a previous commit

git checkout -

If you are after only the last X git commit messages, the following command will give you the last 5 commit messages as strings separated by new lines:

git log -5 --oneline --format=%s | sed 's/^.*: //'

will output something like this:

Remove references to Node 8
Move ESLint cache file into node_modules
Update postcss packages
Add TypeScript 4.x as peerDependency to react-scripts
Create FUNDING.yml