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git remove trailing whitespace in new files before commit

I know removing trailing whitespace can be done with a pre-commit hook. I am interested in doing it manually. I read the question here:
Make git automatically remove trailing whitespace before committing - Stack Overflow
The answer closest to what I want is the "automatic version" from ntc2:

(export VISUAL=: && git -c apply.whitespace=fix add -ue .) && git checkout . && git reset

That command works well except it seems to be only for changes on files that are already in the repo, not new files. I have a bunch of files that are new, meaning they aren't yet in the repo. I want to remove whitespace from those files so I tried add -A instead of -u but that didn't make a difference.

like image 968
loop Avatar asked Oct 03 '13 06:10


People also ask

How do I remove a trailing space in git?

You can have two spaces at end of line in markdown and not have it as trailing whitespace by adding " \ " before \n . This user is first on the weekly GitLab leaderboard. Turns out git can be convinced to fix whitespace in your working copy via apply.

What is a trailing whitespace?

Trailing whitespace is any spaces or tabs after the last non-whitespace character on the line until the newline.

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Every time the user issues a :w command, Vim will automatically remove all trailing whitespace before saving.

2 Answers

To manually clean up whitespace from your last 3 commits, you can do this:

git rebase --whitespace=fix HEAD~3

When I work on a topic branch, I track the upstream branch (usually by creating it like this)

git checkout -b topic -t

Which allows me to drop the last argument from git rebase. So once I'm done & ready to merge, I can clean the whole topic branch quickly with:

git ws # aliased to rebase --whitespace=fix

Note that, unlike the HEAD~3 example, this will actually rebase your changes upon the upstream branch if it's changed! (But that's also what I want, in my workflow.)

like image 144
Luke Usherwood Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 13:09

Luke Usherwood

I like Luke's answer, except for the limitation that you need to either manually specify the base commit, or use a rebase-style workflow, where your history is linearized. I propose a modification that doesn't need an extra argument and doesn't change the topology of your commit graph. As a shell command:

git rebase --whitespace=fix --onto $(git merge-base HEAD @{u})

Or as a ~/.gitconfig alias:

ws = "!git rebase --whitespace=fix --onto $(git merge-base HEAD @{u})"

I prefer this because sometimes I want to rebase my changes, but if I think think there might be a merge conflict I prefer to merge, so that both my original change and the conflict resolution will be recorded in the history. That way I can later second-guess the conflict resolution and redo it if necessary.

Given that I don't always rebase, I prefer not to mix whitespace-fixing with rebasing; hence this modification to Luke's answer.

In addition, I enable the default pre-commit hook which aborts on whitespace errors:

cp .git/hooks/pre-commit.sample .git/hooks/pre-commit

This gives the following workflow, which I like because it's manual enough that I know what's going on but automated enough not to get in the way:

  1. hack hack hack, introduce whitespace error
  2. attempt to commit
  3. commit fails with whitespace error due to pre-commit hook
  4. git commit --no-verify to commit anyway
  5. git ws use the alias to fix

Note on the usage of --onto: It's not necessary here, but I find it easier to reason about how the rebase works this way. In Luke's version, HEAD~3 is the <upstream> in the man page, while in my version <upstream> keeps its default value of the real upstream of the branch. You wind up with the same result either way though.

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jbyler Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 13:09
