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Git: remove leading plus/minus from lines in diff




My question is rather simple, though I have had no luck finding an answer.

I'd like to remove the leading plus/minus symbols from each line in git diff. Before you ask why I wish to do this, allow me to outline my reasons:

  1. Lines that are exactly 80 chars will overflow by a single character, which just looks plain awkward
  2. The coloring is enough for me to distinguish between additions/deletions
  3. I'd prefer to keep my Terminal's window width at 80 chars (as opposed to an arbitrary 81 chars) to maintain consistency with everything else I do in my Terminal (outside of git)

Is there some config option for doing this? If not, how can I do this in a way that still allows me to page through my diff less-style?

Any insight would be greatly appreciated.

like image 937
caleb531 Avatar asked Feb 16 '15 22:02


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When viewing a combined diff, if the two files you're comparing have a line that's different from what they were merged into, you will see the ++ to represent: one line that was added does not appear in either file1 or file2.

What is A and B in Git diff?

In most cases, Git picks A and B in such a way that you can think of A/- as "old" content and B/+ as "new" content. Let's look at our example: Change #1 contains two lines prepended with a "+". Since no counterpart in A existed for these lines (no lines with "-"), this means that these lines were added.

Does Git diff use diff?

Comparing changes with git diffgit diff is a multi-use Git command that when executed runs a diff function on Git data sources. These data sources can be commits, branches, files and more.

How does Git calculate diff?

Computing diffsThe diff is dynamically generated from the snapshot data by comparing the root trees of the commit and its parent. Git can compare any two snapshots in time, not just adjacent commits. To compare two commits, start by looking at their root trees, which are almost always different.

1 Answers

The simple way I have seen is this.. Much easy to remember (The text format changes. So you need to know the code change)

git diff --color-words

Here is a way to make it default
If you are using linux add the following command to your ~/.bashrc file
Then you can use gitdiff without space as another command .

alias gitdiff='git diff --color-words' 

To set alias directly through git config (Without the help of ~/.bashrc)
Thank you @dylankb for this.

Example: If you enter the command git config --global alias.ci commit;
then you can use git ci for rest of your life for committing!!

Happy Gitting :)

like image 109
smilyface Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 09:09
