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Git push, pushes successfully but puts a massive ASCII 'X' in the output [duplicate]




I've just pushed some code up to BitBucket, it seems to have pushed successfully but the response I got was, is, strange.

$ git push
Counting objects: 11, done.
Delta compression using up to 12 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (6/6), done.
Writing objects: 100% (6/6), 924 bytes | 0 bytes/s, done.
Total 6 (delta 4), reused 1 (delta 0)
remote: ++++                               ++++
remote:   +++++++                     +++++++
remote:      +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
remote:          +++++++++++++++++++++
remote:                 +++++++
remote:       +++                     +++
remote:       ++++++     +++++     ++++++
remote:        ++++++    +++++    ++++++
remote:        +++++++    +++    +++++++
remote:         ++++++++   +   ++++++++
remote:          ++++++++     ++++++++
remote:            ++++++++ +++++++++
remote:             +++++++++++++++
remote:              +++++++++++++
remote:                +++++++++
remote:                  +++++++
remote:               +   +++++++
remote:              +++   +++++++
remote:             ++++++  +++++++
remote:            +++++++   +++++++
remote:           +++++++     +++++++
remote:          +++++++       +++++++
remote:          +++++++       +++++++
remote:          +++++++       +++++++
To [email protected]:BanksySan/swag-challenge-1.git
   26ce354..86b24a4  master -> master

What's the giant ASCII cross for?

like image 908
BanksySan Avatar asked Jun 26 '15 20:06


1 Answers

That is just arbitrary text that is sent from the server; the client just displays what the server sends. Note that every line is prefixed with remote. It is usually used for error messages, or just some informational text about the server.

In this case, it appears to be the Atlassian Logo, as Atlassian is the company that owns Bitbucket. Based on another question, it looks like this is intended to be colored using ANSI escape sequences as a rainbow, likely to celebrate today's Supreme Court's decision to strike down laws against gay marriage in the US. It may be the case that your terminal is not interpreting those escape sequences, and so you are just seeing the monochrome logo, rather than the rainbow.

Atlassian Logo

like image 82
Brian Campbell Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 08:10

Brian Campbell