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git gui branch management




Hi I am an inexperienced Git user on Windows. I am using Git Gui. I am interested in Branch Management.

My repo has a branch called 'leafy', how do I check this branch out to my local machine, and them cherry pick a commit from master into leafy?

Thanks a LOT


like image 413
Massive Boisson Avatar asked Nov 30 '22 17:11

Massive Boisson

1 Answers

Thanks for replies, but I said I am using Git Gui

To checkout newly created branch (exists on server, not locally), it's a 2 step process:

  1. Git Gui -> Branch -> Check Out -> Tracking Branch -> Choose Branch

  2. Branch -> Create -> Name = same name as tracking branch you chose -> Choose This Detached Checkout

You are now using the branch.

Another useful and obvious thing -> to switch to another branch -> Branch -> Check Out -> Local Branch .....

like image 187
Massive Boisson Avatar answered Dec 09 '22 08:12

Massive Boisson