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Github: reset to previous commit




Small team. A colleague pushed to origin:master by mistake. He has reset his local repo but cannot push -f to Github because repo is protected.

I have fetched the repo but not merged his errant commit into my local master...yet.

How can I, assuming I can push -f to origin, reset origin on Github so that it reflects the state it was in before his mistake?

$ git push origin 2860a4c:master
To github.com:example/myproj.git
 ! [rejected]        2860a4c -> master (non-fast-forward)
error: failed to push some refs to '[email protected]:example/myproj.git'
hint: Updates were rejected because the tip of your current branch is behind
hint: its remote counterpart. Integrate the remote changes (e.g.
hint: 'git pull ...') before pushing again.

Do I really need to integrate the bad commit (with git pull) before I can then, I assume, reset hard 2860a4c and then push -f origin?

I just don't want to make things worse.

like image 402
Meltemi Avatar asked Dec 01 '22 16:12


1 Answers

Below are the steps you may do, assuming you have permission for git push -f.

On your machine, do:

# Step 1: Take the changes from remote
git pull

# Step 2: Note the commit to which you want for restoring your repo to 
# using `git log`. Say the commit id is "x". 
git log

# Step 3: Do hard reset for that commit. 
#         ** NOTE ** All the changes after the commit "x" will be removed
git reset --hard x    # where x is the commit id

# Step 4: Push to remote
git push -f

Then on collegue's machine, do step 1 to step 3 and then do git pull to merge the remote changes

In case you do NOT have permission for git push -f, do:

git pull

git revert <commit id>   # may get it via "git log"

git push

With git revert, changes from the reverted commit will be removed, but this commit will remain in the commit history.

like image 81
Moinuddin Quadri Avatar answered Dec 03 '22 23:12

Moinuddin Quadri