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Git format-patch output in a single file



How to direct the output of the command format-patch to a single file?

like image 586
Lucas Avatar asked Feb 18 '10 17:02


People also ask

How do I format a patch in git?

The first rule takes precedence in the case of a single <commit>. To apply the second rule, i.e., format everything since the beginning of history up until <commit>, use the --root option: git format-patch --root <commit> . If you want to format only <commit> itself, you can do this with git format-patch -1 <commit> .

How do I apply a patch format?

If you're using a JetBrains IDE (like IntelliJ IDEA, Android Studio, PyCharm), you can drag the patch file and drop it inside the IDE, and a dialog will appear, showing the patch's content. All you have to do now is to click "Apply patch", and a commit will be created.

How can I see my git patch?

Git Cola includes an "Apply Patches" dialog that can be launched from the Actions menu, or via the git cola am sub-command. You can open patches in this dialog and display the contents with diff syntax highlighting. This feature is available in master by cloning the repo and will be in the upcoming v3.

What is patch file in git?

Patch is a text file, whose contents are similar to Git diff, but along with code, it also has metadata about commits; e.g., commit ID, date, commit message, etc. We can create a patch from commits and other people can apply them to their repository. Jerry implements the strcat function for his project.

1 Answers

--stdout > filename

like image 111
Jimmy2Times Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 03:10
