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Is a local Git repository thread-safe?

Is a local Git repository guaranteed to be free of race conditions if two users try to use the repository at the same time?

Assume two users on a Linux system running git commit at the same time, or that a user was applying a patch while another user was trying to checkout a branch, is Git's behavior well-defined in such cases?

like image 752
Bernardo Sulzbach Avatar asked Sep 11 '19 21:09

Bernardo Sulzbach

People also ask

Is git multithreaded?

A few selected operations are multi-threaded if you compile with thread support (i.e., do not set NO_PTHREADS when you build). But object packing (used during fetch/push, and during git-gc ) is multi-threaded (at least the delta compression portion of it is). git may fork to perform certain asynchronous operations.

Is git a local repository?

Git local repository is the one on which we will make local changes, typically this local repository is on our computer. Git remote repository is the one of the server, typically a machine situated at 42 miles away.

How does git local work?

Git git-svn Working locally Just use your local git repository as a normal git repo, with the normal git commands: git add FILE and git checkout -- FILE To stage/unstage a file. git commit To save your changes. Those commits will be local and will not be "pushed" to the SVN repo, just like in a normal git repository.

Does git pull update local repository?

The git pull command is used to fetch and download content from a remote repository and immediately update the local repository to match that content.

1 Answers

Git uses locking and atomic renames to avoid data corruption issues within the .git directory. So it is, for example, possible to have a git gc going on while performing other operations, and no data will be lost, nor will the repository appear corrupt or missing objects at any point. It is still possible that certain concurrent operations (e.g., updating the index) may abort due to contention over a lock, though.

However, having said that, the working tree isn't guaranteed to be free of races. For example, there's no atomic way to replace a file with a directory, and git checkout doesn't attempt to be atomic as a consequence. Similarly, applying a patch during a checkout will probably result in data loss or unexpected failure.

If you need to have multiple programs working with the same repository, consider using a bare repository and something like libgit2 or one of its language-specific wrappers. That will make it much easier for you to create multiple branches and commits without needing to contend over a working tree.

If you need multiple human users to work with a repository, you should use multiple copies of the repository. Users will not enjoy sharing a working tree and you'll run into practical issues if two people are using one at once. In addition, Git's security model doesn't allow for a malicious user to share a repository other than over the transfer protocol; for example, hooks that are called automatically can execute arbitrary code. Even non-malicious users may want to have custom hooks or other configuration (e.g., .git/info/exclude) that makes sharing a repository undesirable.

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bk2204 Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 00:11
