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Git - Do colours mean something in vi when I commit?

I'm using Git Bash on Windows and, when I run git commit, the vi editor opens to allow me writing a Commit note. I noticed that the first row of the text I write is yellow (although not all of it, only the first 30 or 40 characters), the second is white on a red background and from the 3rd onwards they are gray. Does this colour coding mean anything, or is it just some sort of weird glitch? I come from an SVN background, where Commit comment was pure text and I wasn't expecting this "rainbow". :)

Thanks in advance for the answers.

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Diego Avatar asked Aug 23 '12 01:08


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What does git commit flag do?

Add/Commit All By using the -a flag when committing you are telling Git to add all files that have been modified and then commit them. This runs into issues with new files, though. Since the -a flag only adds modified files it will not add new files or deleted files.

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It is up to you. Just use the commit message as you wish. But it is easier if you are not switching between times and languages. And if you develop in a team - it should be discussed and set fixed.

Which flag is used with git commit command?

Perhaps the most common flag used with git commit is the -m flag. The -m flag, which stands for message, is used to add a commit message to a commit. When you use the git commit command without the -m flag, a text editor will be opened in which you can write a message, as we discussed earlier.

1 Answers

Vi is giving you a hint about "properly" formatting your commit message.

While there is no specific enforcement of one message style w.r.t. another, "traditionally" Git commit messages are structured this way:

  • A short title describing the changeset (usually less than 50-60 characters);
  • One blank line;
  • A more complete description of the commit, optionally divided in paragraphs with other blank lines.

The last paragraph is usually used for "metadata" entries, like Signed-off-by:.

So, in your case, Vi is probably warning you that the first line is a a little longer than usual and that you did not leave a blank line after it (I say "probably" because I do not use Vi, so I am not sure about it).

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Marco Leogrande Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 12:09

Marco Leogrande