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git clone of git-svn tree?

I've got a 'git-svn' working tree. I'd like to clone a "pure" git repo off this, and then use git push/pull to move changes between the git-svn tree and the git tree, while also using 'git svn dcommit/rebase' to move changes between the git-svn tree and the SVN repo it's based on.

This seems to work okay as far as moving things back and forth between the git trees using git methods, but as soon as I interact with the SVN repo in the git-svn tree, things get wonky -- either I get errors when pushing or pulling between the git trees, or I lose commits in the git-svn tree, or other oddness.

Is this type of SVN <-> git-svn <-> git workflow supported at all or should I just quit barking up this tree?

like image 732
genehack Avatar asked Feb 20 '09 19:02


2 Answers

I have a bridge setup for some of my projects, but it's only one-way from git to svn (providing a public readonly SVN mirror of our git master branch). However, since it works fine it might help you or point you in the right direction in your two-way scenario anyway, as I assume it's git->svn that makes problems, not svn->git:

My one-way scenario: Existing git repository at github, need a readonly svn mirror of the git master branch

  • Create and initialize the target subversion repository on the Server:

    svnadmin create svnrepo
    mkdir trunk
    svn import trunk svn://yoursvnserver/svnrepo
    rmdir -rf trunk
  • Create a mixed Git-Svn checkout and initialize subversion repository

    git svn clone svn://yoursvnserver/svnrepo/trunk
    cd trunk
    git remote add github git://github.com/yourname/repo.git
    git fetch github
    git branch tmp $(cat .git/refs/remotes/github/master)
    git tag -a -m "Last fetch" last tmp
    INIT_COMMIT=$(git log tmp --pretty=format:%H | tail -1)
    git checkout $INIT_COMMIT .
    git commit -C $INIT_COMMIT
    git rebase master tmp
    git branch -M tmp master
    git svn dcommit --rmdir --find-copies-harder
  • Update the mirror

    git fetch github
    git branch tmp $(cat .git/refs/remotes/github/master)
    git tag -a -m "Last fetch" newlast tmp
    git rebase --onto master last tmp
    git branch -M tmp master
    git svn dcommit --rmdir --find-copies-harder
    mv .git/refs/tags/newlast .git/refs/tags/last

This two articles from googlecode might help as well:

  • Importing from Git
  • Exporting to Git
  • Using Git with Google Code Hosting
  • Develop with Git on a Google Code Project
like image 197
Christoph Rüegg Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 07:09

Christoph Rüegg

One thing that may be causing you trouble is that git svn dcommit will rewrite all the commits it sends to SVN- at least if it's configured to add the SVN metadata note to the bottom of the commit messages. So you will have to adopt a flow where any repositories taking commits from your git-svn workspace rebase against it, losing all the merge history which can't be stored in SVN anyway.

like image 23
araqnid Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 07:09
