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SVN authentication cancelled [closed]

I get the following error , both on my linux and windows boxes, when I build try to check out SVN tags from an ant build.

  [svn] <Checkout> started ...
  [svn] svn: authentication cancelled
  [svn] <Checkout> failed 

How do I resolve this? Funny thing is I can browse the repo via Tortoise SVN by entering my credentials.

It cannot be a "windows-has-cached-my-SVN-credtentials" issue. Since, I have cleared my SVN "auth" directory and it happens simulatnesouly on my Linux box which is oblivious to my Windows machine.

like image 326
chethan Avatar asked May 03 '11 14:05


1 Answers

It depends on the version of the IDE, this problem appeared after IDEA 9 and in a first glance seems to be a bug connected to password encryption. Here you have an issue reported.

They say you need to tweak .subversion/servers and set it to

# Password / passphrase caching parameters:
  store-passwords = yes
  store-plaintext-passwords = yes
  store-ssl-client-cert-pp = yes
  store-ssl-client-cert-pp-plaintext = yes

NOTE : This will store the passwords as PLAIN TEXT!

But this one does not help for version 11. I fixed like this for my Community 11 version :

1) Went to Settings

2) Then Version Control-> Subversion

3) Pressed Clear Auth Cache

4) Went to Changes->Repository and pressed Refresh

IDEA asked me if I would like to accept the certificate

5) Answered Accept

Then It failed to refresh with "svn: authentication cancelled" error

But in Event Log I saw

11:20:12 AM svn: authentication cancelled
11:21:11 AM 0 changes committed, 1 change failed to commit: Toggle Listener more 
11:23:05 AM Not Logged In to Subversion: Click to fix. Not logged In to Subversion 'Subversion Repositories'

6) I klicked on "Click to fix"

Then IDEA asked me to enter account and password and I saw that the default user name that it used was my users name on my mac. After I entered the real name and password everything worked fine.

like image 190
Anton Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 18:10
