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Git clone error after OS X Mountain Lion update


I just updated my MBP to OSX 10.8 and am trying to start a new project with brunch.io which by default uses coffeescript and I prefer javascript so I need to clone the simple js skeleton. So something like this:

brunch new <someprojectname> --skeleton https://github.com/brunch/simple-js-skeleton.git 

Which is what I have used previously and it worked fine. But today I am getting the following error:

error: Git clone error: /bin/sh: git: command not found 

I really don't know how to fix this...

like image 695
Jonathan Miller Avatar asked Jul 27 '12 19:07

Jonathan Miller

2 Answers

You can download Apple's official collection of developer command line utilities (which includes git) by either:

  • Opening Xcode, going to Preferences > Downloads and clicking the install button next to 'Command Line Utilities'
  • Going to developer.apple.com/downloads, and downloading "Xcode 4.4 Command Line Tools for OSX 10.8" from the Xcode 4.4 category
like image 111
Jamie Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 21:10


Check your .bashrc or .bash_profile if the appropiate PATH is set. Did you install git via macports? The update probably dropped the /opt/bin or /opt/local/bin from the PATH.

like image 43
Femaref Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 21:10
