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git bash questions




i just downloaded msysgit from http://msysgit.github.com/ and am trying to learn how to use it. i also downloaded a copy of the pro git manual from their wiki. In chapter 2 it talks about typing "$ git init" in the project directory to have the system create a .git folder.

i'm just new at unix / linux so you'll have to excuse the simple questions. lets say my project folder is located at : c:\myapp\abc and that's where i want to run the git init command

i'm not sure how i can change directories into the project folder. when i do an "ls" command from where i'm at, i can tell by the contents in the folder that i'm actually in C:\Program Files (x86)\Git. i've tried "cd /myapp/abc" but it just gives me the message " no such file or directory". i feel like i'm missing something really basic here. my prompt when i open git bash is:

$myname@mypcname /

maybe i just need a bash tutorial? I've also been playing around with the GIT GUI and i was able to create a new repo in another project folder a but i'd like to be able to follow the manual, which for now, seems to be working the git bash tool thanks.

like image 998
dot Avatar asked Jul 23 '12 17:07


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1 Answers

The "Git Bash" terminal will put the root of each drive in /<drive-letter>, so drive C:\ will be at /c/, drive E:\ will be at /e/, etc. Try cd /c/myapp/abc.

like image 151
mamapitufo Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 16:09
