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Gherkin + Behat Scenario outline throws Behat\Gherkin\Exception\ParserException





I am trying to run registration example and I am getting stuck

Scenario: New user registration; poor password
  Given I am on "/register"
  When I fill in "username" with "admin"
  And I fill in "password1" with "<pw>"
  And I fill in "password2" with "<pw>"
  And I press "Login"
  Then I should be on "/register"
  And I should see an "pwError" element

    |  pw   |
    |  12   |
    |  20   |

Then I get the following error:

[Behat\Gherkin\Exception\ParserException] Expected Comment or Scenario or Outline or Step token, but got Examples

What am I doing wrong? I cannot find any help on behat doc or so.

like image 821
Fatmuemoo Avatar asked Apr 19 '13 17:04


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1 Answers

With examples, you have to use the "Scenario Outline" instead of "Scenario".

like image 123
Jakub Zalas Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 23:10

Jakub Zalas