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`ggplot2`: label values of barplot that uses `fun.y="mean"` of `stat_summary`




If I use ggplot2's stat_summary() to make a barplot of the average number of miles per gallon for 3-, 4-, and 5-geared cars, for example, how can I label each of the bars with the average value for mpg?

CarPlot <- ggplot() +
  stat_summary(data= mtcars,
               aes(x = factor(gear),
                   y = mpg,
                   fill = factor(gear)

I know that you can normally use geom_text(), but I'm having trouble figuring out what to do in order to get the average value from stat_summary().

like image 705
Adam Liter Avatar asked Nov 22 '13 08:11

Adam Liter

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What does stat =' summary do in Ggplot?

ggplot2 has the ability to summarise data with stat_summary . This particular Stat will calculate a summary of your data at each unique x value. The following creates a scatter plot of some points with a mean calculated at each x and connected by a line.

1 Answers

You should use the internal variable ..y.. to get the computed mean.

enter image description here

CarPlot <- ggplot(data= mtcars) +
               aes(x = factor(gear),
                   y = mpg)+
      stat_summary(aes(fill = factor(gear)), fun.y=mean, geom="bar")+
      stat_summary(aes(label=round(..y..,2)), fun.y=mean, geom="text", size=6,
             vjust = -0.5)

but probably it is better to aggregate beforehand.

like image 132
agstudy Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 14:09
