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Getting the key combination of accesskeys in a browser

I want to make a page where certain inputs and links have accesskeys attached to them, and I want to inform the user of what key combination they need to press to activate the input or link. Is there a way to automatically get the accesskey key combination of a browser via JavaScript, or do I need to detect which browser it is and then just use a table where I store the key combination that browser uses?

I haven't found any scripts that could automatically detect this (I've looked at the source code for Wikipedia, and they also go by browser name), which I find curious, since most sites seem to recommend feature detection as opposed to browser detection. I would find it weird if accesskeys would be the exception to that.

Also, according to Wikipedia, there's a huge load of different key combinations for accesskeys, so I don't think making an array of combinations and picking the browser's combination would be the best solution for that.

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Joeytje50 Avatar asked Dec 29 '13 15:12


2 Answers

Per HTML5, there is a JS attribute called accessKeyLabel that should return a string appropriate to the browser, based on the value of the accesskey attribute.

This may not work across all browsers/versions that you care about, however, in which case you will need a manual browser-sniffing-and-branching fallback. 10–20 such combinations are not a "huge" amount IMHO, and the only reasonable recourse.

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Phrogz Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 02:09


State of accessKeyLabel in 2021

Since HTML 5, we've had the accessKeyLabel property to read the actual keyboard shortcut assigned by the browser. Sadly, browser support is still too low to rely on it, since not only IE and Edge, but also Chrome are currently missing.

Polyfill to the rescue

I had the exact same problem but required decent browser support, so I implemented a small polyfill to bridge the gap. It tries to detect feature support and if nothing is found, adds a small function that will return the correct modifier keys based on the User-Agent.

Installing the polyfill (less than 1KB):

npm i access-key-label-polyfill


import installAccessKeyLabelPolyfill from 'access-key-label-polyfill';

Learn more about the polyfill here: https://github.com/tillsanders/access-key-label-polyfill


Usage of the accessKeyLabel property is simple, with and without the polyfill. Assuming you have a button like this:

<button accesskey="d">Do crazy stuff</button>

You can get the actual shortcut like this:

const label = document.querySelector('#button').accessKeyLabel;

This might return a string like these:

'⌃⌥d' // Chrome on macOS (only works with polyfill)
'⌃⌥d' // Safari on iOS (works without polyfill)
'Alt+Shift+d' // Firefox on Windows (works without polyfill)
'Alt+d' // Edge on Windows (only works with polyfill)

Be aware though, that in cases where the browser does not support accessKeyLabel (and you're not using the polyfill) or where the browser does not support accessKey, you will only get undefined.

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tillsanders Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 02:09
