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getting the click event in a kendo grid

I'm trying to get the click event for a Kendo Grid so I can bind stuff to shift and ctrl clicking. I can't use the inherent multiselect Kendo provides because it doesn't support drag and drop. When I create a function after the dataBound event, my function gets called on clicking, but it's not the typical click event.

var onDataBound = function () {

grid.dataBound = onDataBound;

var selectItem.apply = function (e) {

Any thoughts? Thanks in advance.

like image 936
Crystal Avatar asked Oct 10 '13 19:10


2 Answers

After initializing the Grid you should bind a handler to the click event.


$("#grid").on("click", "table", function(e) {
    console.log("clicked", e.ctrlKey, e.altKey, e.shiftKey);

You can use:

  • e.ctrlKey for detecting if ctrl is pressed.
  • e.altKey for detecting if alt is pressed.
  • e.shiftKey for detecting if shift is pressed.

If you want to detect click only in the body of the table, you can replace "table" by "tbody" or even "td".

Jsfiddle example.

like image 136
OnaBai Avatar answered Oct 29 '22 06:10


Use dataBound event when declaring the grid:

grid = $("#grid").kendoGrid({

var onDataBound = function(e)

var selectItem.apply = function (e) {
    var dataItem = $("#grid").data("kendoGrid").dataItem(this);
       alert('Ctrl + click on ' + dataItem.column1);

dataItem is your bound data item that you can pass around.

like image 3
Mahmood Dehghan Avatar answered Oct 29 '22 07:10

Mahmood Dehghan