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getting the full url including the query string after hash





How to get the full URL including the string parameter after hash tag? I try to echo

echo $url;

the string after the hash tag wont read.

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user3034828 Avatar asked Dec 09 '22 11:12


2 Answers

Pekka's comment should be an answer. The string parameter after the hash tag is not sent to the server, it's for the browsers eyes only.

This means that serverside code (PHP, in your case) does not have this info. The clientside code (the browser, javascript, ...) does.


  • the part after the ? is info for the server. Put everything your server needs here
  • the part after the # is info for the client. Put everything your client needs here. It's called the Fragment Identifier (Thanks Tim).

Historically, the part after the # was most often used to have your browser quicky scroll to a defined anchor on the page. Nowadays, it is more often used to hold state information for the client.

You could have javascript send this info to the server, or perform different actions based on this info. AJAX is your friend.

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Konerak Avatar answered Dec 11 '22 01:12


The hash (the string including the #) never gets passed to the server, it is solely a behavioural property of the browser. The $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] variable will contain the rest however.

If you really need to know what the hash is, you will have to use the document.location.hash JavaScript property, which contains the contents of the hash (you could then insert it in a form, or send it to the server with an ajax request).You can pass up the full URL, including the anchor (the part after the #), using a Javascript onload function that sends that URL to an Ajax endpoint.

You can also take a look here Get entire URL, including query string and anchor

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Suvash sarker Avatar answered Dec 11 '22 01:12

Suvash sarker