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Getting the error "Missing $ inserted" in LaTeX



People also ask

How do I find missing inserts in LaTeX?

The "Missing $ inserted" is probably caused by the underscores and bars. These characters in LaTeX have special meaning in math mode (which is delimited by $ characters). Try escaping them; e.g. update\_element instead of update_element .

How do I check for errors in LaTeX?

If you are using \input{...} or \include{...} in your document check with commenting it if it includes error(s). If so, you can use the macro \endinput to achieve a similar effect to \end{document} (see comment from @JuanA.

How do you fix an undefined control sequence in LaTeX?

The issue is that when LaTeX sees a backslash \ , it interprets what follows as a command. Here, there is no such command as \Users, so you will get an Undefined Control Sequence error. To avoid this, when writing text you should write a backslash as \backslash .

How do I insert symbols in LaTeX?

You may be wondering how to insert symbols in LaTeX. It is possible to add certain symbols in-text while others require LaTeX's math mode to be activated. ”, you can use the command \star in your code.

The "Missing $ inserted" is probably caused by the underscores and bars. These characters in LaTeX have special meaning in math mode (which is delimited by $ characters). Try escaping them; e.g. update\_element instead of update_element.

However, if you're trying to display code, a better solution would be to use the \verb command, which will typeset the text in a monospaced font and will automatically handle underscores and bars correctly (no need to escape them with \).

It's actually the underscores. Use \_ instead, or include the underscore package.

I had this problem too. I solved it by removing the unnecessary blank line between equation tags. This gives the error:

P(\underline{\hat{X}} | \underline{Y}) = ...


while this code compiles succesfully:

P(\underline{\hat{X}} | \underline{Y}) = ...

I had the same problem - and I have read all these answers, but unfortunately none of them worked for me. Eventually I tried removing this line


and all errors disappeared.