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Getting the encoding of a Postgres database



People also ask

Does PostgreSQL support UTF 16?

Short answer, this is not directly possible as PostgreSQL only supports a UTF-8 character set. UTF-16 based formats like Java, JavaScript, Windows can contain half surrogate pairs which have no representation in UTF-8 or UTF-32. These may easily be created by sub-stringing a Java, JavaScript, VB.Net string.

Is Postgres varchar Unicode?

One of the interesting features of PostgreSQL database is the ability to handle Unicode characters. In SQL Server, to store non-English characters, we need to use NVARCHAR or NCAHR data type. In PostgreSQL, the varchar data type itself will store both English and non-English characters.

Is PostgreSQL UDP or TCP?

PostgreSQL uses a message-based protocol for communication between frontends and backends (clients and servers). The protocol is supported over TCP/IP and also over Unix-domain sockets.

From the command line:

psql my_database -c 'SHOW SERVER_ENCODING'

From within psql, an SQL IDE or an API:


Method 1:

If you're already logged in to the db server, just copy and paste this.




For Client encoding :


Method 2:

Again if you are already logged in, use this to get the list based result


A programmatic solution:

SELECT pg_encoding_to_char(encoding) FROM pg_database WHERE datname = 'yourdb';

If you want to get database encodings:

psql  -U postgres -h somehost --list

You'll see something like:

List of databases
           Name         |  Owner   | Encoding
db1                     | postgres | UTF8