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Check if database exists in PostgreSQL using shell

People also ask

How do I check my PostgreSQL database?

Use \l or \l+ in psql to show all databases in the current PostgreSQL server. Use the SELECT statement to query data from the pg_database to get all databases.

Is exists in Postgres?

In PostgreSQL, the EXISTS operator is used to test for the existence of rose in a subquery.It is generally used with correlated subqueries. If the subquery returns at least one row, the result of EXISTS is true. In case the subquery returns no row, the result is of EXISTS is false.

Does Postgres database always exist?

The database server itself does not require the postgres database to exist, but many external utility programs assume it exists. So, you can't assume it will always be available, although in the practice, it will be available almost for sure.

Note/Update (2021): While this answer works, philosophically I agree with other comments that the right way to do this is to ask Postgres.

Check whether the other answers that have psql -c or --command in them are a better fit for your use case (e.g. Nicholas Grilly's, Nathan Osman's, bruce's or Pedro's variant

I use the following modification of Arturo's solution:

psql -lqt | cut -d \| -f 1 | grep -qw <db_name>

What it does

psql -l outputs something like the following:

                                        List of databases
     Name  |   Owner   | Encoding |  Collate   |   Ctype    |   Access privileges   
 my_db     | my_user   | UTF8     | en_US.UTF8 | en_US.UTF8 | 
 postgres  | postgres  | LATIN1   | en_US      | en_US      | 
 template0 | postgres  | LATIN1   | en_US      | en_US      | =c/postgres          +
           |           |          |            |            | postgres=CTc/postgres
 template1 | postgres  | LATIN1   | en_US      | en_US      | =c/postgres          +
           |           |          |            |            | postgres=CTc/postgres
(4 rows)

Using the naive approach means that searching for a database called "List, "Access" or "rows" will succeed. So we pipe this output through a bunch of built-in command line tools to only search in the first column.

The -t flag removes headers and footers:

 my_db     | my_user   | UTF8     | en_US.UTF8 | en_US.UTF8 | 
 postgres  | postgres  | LATIN1   | en_US      | en_US      | 
 template0 | postgres  | LATIN1   | en_US      | en_US      | =c/postgres          +
           |           |          |            |            | postgres=CTc/postgres
 template1 | postgres  | LATIN1   | en_US      | en_US      | =c/postgres          +
           |           |          |            |            | postgres=CTc/postgres

The next bit, cut -d \| -f 1 splits the output by the vertical pipe | character (escaped from the shell with a backslash), and selects field 1. This leaves:


grep -w matches whole words, and so won't match if you are searching for temp in this scenario. The -q option suppresses any output written to the screen, so if you want to run this interactively at a command prompt you may with to exclude the -q so something gets displayed immediately.

Note that grep -w matches alphanumeric, digits and the underscore, which is exactly the set of characters allowed in unquoted database names in postgresql (hyphens are not legal in unquoted identifiers). If you are using other characters, grep -w won't work for you.

The exit status of this whole pipeline will be 0 (success) if the database exists or 1 (failure) if it doesn't. Your shell will set the special variable $? to the exit status of the last command. You can also test the status directly in a conditional:

if psql -lqt | cut -d \| -f 1 | grep -qw <db_name>; then
    # database exists
    # $? is 0
    # ruh-roh
    # $? is 1

The following shell code seems to work for me:

if [ "$( psql -tAc "SELECT 1 FROM pg_database WHERE datname='DB_NAME'" )" = '1' ]
    echo "Database already exists"
    echo "Database does not exist"

postgres@desktop:~$ psql -l | grep <exact_dbname> | wc -l

This will return 1 if the database specified exists or 0 otherwise.

Also, if you try to create a database that already exists, postgresql will return an error message like this:

postgres@desktop:~$ createdb template1
createdb: database creation failed: ERROR:  database "template1" already exists

I'm new to postgresql, but the following command is what I used to check if a database exists

if psql ${DB_NAME} -c '\q' 2>&1; then
   echo "database ${DB_NAME} exists"