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Run a query with a LIMIT/OFFSET and also get the total number of rows

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How do you LIMIT the number of records to return from a query?

The SQL SELECT LIMIT statement is used to retrieve records from one or more tables in a database and limit the number of records returned based on a limit value. TIP: SELECT LIMIT is not supported in all SQL databases. For databases such as SQL Server or MSAccess, use the SELECT TOP statement to limit your results.

What is LIMIT & offset in SQL query?

If a limit count is given, no more than that many rows will be returned (but possibly fewer, if the query itself yields fewer rows). LIMIT ALL is the same as omitting the LIMIT clause, as is LIMIT with a NULL argument. OFFSET says to skip that many rows before beginning to return rows.

How do I LIMIT the number of rows in a SELECT statement?

To limit rows in the result set, use ORDER BY with the optional OFFSET and FETCH clauses. First, the query sorts the rows (ORDER BY). You then tell SQL Server which should be the first row in the result set (OFFSET... ROWS) and how many rows to return (FETCH…

How do you count the number of rows in a query?

To counts all of the rows in a table, whether they contain NULL values or not, use COUNT(*). That form of the COUNT() function basically returns the number of rows in a result set returned by a SELECT statement.

Yes. With a simple window function:

SELECT *, count(*) OVER() AS full_count
FROM   tbl
WHERE  /* whatever */
ORDER  BY col1

Be aware that the cost will be substantially higher than without the total number, but typically still cheaper than two separate queries. Postgres has to actually count all rows either way, which imposes a cost depending on the total number of qualifying rows. Details:

  • Best way to get result count before LIMIT was applied

However, as Dani pointed out, when OFFSET is at least as great as the number of rows returned from the base query, no rows are returned. So we also don't get full_count.

If that's not acceptable, a possible workaround to always return the full count would be with a CTE and an OUTER JOIN:

WITH cte AS (
   FROM   tbl
   WHERE  /* whatever */
   TABLE  cte
   ORDER  BY col1
   LIMIT  ?
   ) sub
RIGHT  JOIN (SELECT count(*) FROM cte) c(full_count) ON true;

You get one row of NULL values with the full_count appended if OFFSET is too big. Else, it's appended to every row like in the first query.

If a row with all NULL values is a possible valid result you have to check offset >= full_count to disambiguate the origin of the empty row.

This still executes the base query only once. But it adds more overhead to the query and only pays if that's less than repeating the base query for the count.

If indexes supporting the final sort order are available, it might pay to include the ORDER BY in the CTE (redundantly).

While Erwin Brandstetter's answer works like a charm, it returns the total count of rows in every row like following:

col1 - col2 - col3 - total
aaaa - aaaa - aaaa - count
bbbb - bbbb - bbbb - count
cccc - cccc - cccc - count

You may want to consider using an approach that returns total count only once, like the following:

total - rows
count - [{col1: 'aaaa'},{col2: 'aaaa'},{col3: 'aaaa'}
         {col1: 'bbbb'},{col2: 'bbbb'},{col3: 'bbbb'}
         {col1: 'cccc'},{col2: 'cccc'},{col3: 'cccc'}]

SQL query:

    (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table) as count, 
    (SELECT json_agg(t.*) FROM (
        SELECT * FROM table
        WHERE /* whatever */
        ORDER BY col1
        OFFSET ?
        LIMIT ?
    ) AS t) AS rows 

edit: this answer is valid when retrieving the unfiltered table. I'll let it in case it could help someone but it might not exactly answer the initial question.

Erwin Brandstetter's answer is perfect if you need an accurate value. However, on large tables you often only need a pretty good approximation. Postgres gives you just that and it will be much faster as it will not need to evaluate each row:

    SELECT *
    FROM tbl
    WHERE /* something */
    ORDER BY /* something */
    OFFSET ?
    LIMIT ?
    ) data
RIGHT JOIN (SELECT reltuples FROM pg_class WHERE relname = 'tbl') pg_count(total_count) ON true;

I'm actually quite not sure if there is an advantage to externalize the RIGHT JOIN or have it as in a standard query. It would deserve some testing.

SELECT t.*, pgc.reltuples AS total_count
FROM tbl as t
RIGHT JOIN pg_class pgc ON pgc.relname = 'tbl'
WHERE /* something */
ORDER BY /* something */