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Getting text within element excluding decendants



I see that jQuery has the .text() function for getting all text within an element and its descendant elements.

Is there a way to only get the text that is directly within the element?


Here is <b>some</b> text.

From that I would want to get just Here is text.

like image 602
Acorn Avatar asked Jun 27 '11 01:06


1 Answers

var result = $('div').contents().map(function() {
    if( this.nodeType === 3 ) {
        return this.data;

Example: http://jsfiddle.net/PeXue/

This uses the contents()[docs] method to get all children of the div, including text nodes, then the map()[docs] method to build a collection of the text contents of only the text nodes (this.nodeType === 3) using their .data property.

After that is done, it makes an Array from the collection using the get()[docs] method, and finally joins the result using .join()[docs].

Of course your selector should be specific to the <div> you're targeting.

EDIT: If you want to normalize the spaces between the words a bit, you can trim the leading and trailing white space from the content of each text node using the jQuery.trim()[docs] method, then give .join() a single space to join each set.

var result = $('div').contents().map(function() {
    if( this.nodeType === 3 ) {
        return $.trim( this.data );
}).get().join(' ');

alert( result );

Example: http://jsfiddle.net/PeXue/1

We could even shorten it a bit, and ensure that any empty text nodes are excluded at the same time:

var result = $('div').contents().map(function() {
    return $.trim( this.data ) || null;
}).get().join(' ');

alert( result );

Example: http://jsfiddle.net/PeXue/2


You can get an enormous performance increase by using the jQuery.map()[docs] method, which is meant for more generic use.

var result = $.map( $('div')[0].childNodes, function(val,i) {
  if (val.nodeType === 3) {
    return val.data;

Here's a performance test showing the difference.

like image 70
user113716 Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 01:10
