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Getting "newline inside string" while reading the csv file in Python?

I have this utils.py file in Django Architecture:

def range_data(ip):
    r = []
    f = open(os.path.join(settings.PROJECT_ROOT, 'static', 'csv ', 
    for num,row in enumerate(csv.reader(f)):
        if row[0] <= ip <= row[1]:
            return r
    return r

Here the ip parameter is just the IPv4 Address, I am using open source MAXMIND GeoIPCountrywhois.csv file.

Some starting content of GeopIOCountrywhois.csv:


I have also read about the issue, But didn't found so much understandable. Would you please help me to solve that error?

According to my method in utils, I am checking country name of paasing parameter IP address to the method.

like image 920
Amit Pal Avatar asked Jul 06 '12 12:07

Amit Pal

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1 Answers

had similar problem earlier today, there was an end quote missing from a line and the solution is by instructing reader to perform no special processing of quote characters (quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONE).

like image 131
Jim Geovedi Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 14:09

Jim Geovedi