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Python List as variable name

I've been playing with Python and I have this list that I need worked out. Basically I type a list of games into the multidimensional array and then for each one, it will make 3 variables based on that first entry.

Array that is made:

Applist = [
['Apple', 'red', 'circle'],
['Banana', 'yellow', 'abnormal'],
['Pear', 'green', 'abnormal']

For loop to assign each fruit a name, colour and shape.

for i in Applist:
    i[0] + "_n" = i[0]
    i[0] + "_c" = i[1]
    i[0] + "_s" = i[2]

When doing this though, I get a cannot assign to operator message. How do I combat this?

The expected result would be:

Apple_n == "Apple"
Apple_c == "red"
Apple_s == "circle"

Etc for each fruit.

like image 634
Skowt Avatar asked Jun 20 '12 11:06


People also ask

Can I name a variable list in Python?

Python allows you to name variables to your liking, as long as the names follow these rules: Variable names may contain letters, digits (0-9) or the underscore character _ . Variable names must begin with a letter from A-Z or the underscore _ character. Either lowercase or uppercase letters are acceptable.

How do I make a list variable in Python?

Create Python Lists In Python, a list is created by placing elements inside square brackets [] , separated by commas. A list can have any number of items and they may be of different types (integer, float, string, etc.). A list can also have another list as an item. This is called a nested list.

Can list store variable in Python?

Since lists can contain any Python variable, it can even contain other lists.

2 Answers

This is a bad idea. You should not dynamically create variable names, use a dictionary instead:

variables = {}
for name, colour, shape in Applist:
    variables[name + "_n"] = name
    variables[name + "_c"] = colour
    variables[name + "_s"] = shape

Now access them as variables["Apple_n"], etc.

What you really want though, is perhaps a dict of dicts:

variables = {}
for name, colour, shape in Applist:
    variables[name] = {"name": name, "colour": colour, "shape": shape}

print "Apple shape: " + variables["Apple"]["shape"]

Or, perhaps even better, a namedtuple:

from collections import namedtuple

variables = {}
Fruit = namedtuple("Fruit", ["name", "colour", "shape"])
for args in Applist:
    fruit = Fruit(*args)
    variables[fruit.name] = fruit

print "Apple shape: " + variables["Apple"].shape

You can't change the variables of each Fruit if you use a namedtuple though (i.e. no setting variables["Apple"].colour to "green"), so it is perhaps not a good solution, depending on the intended usage. If you like the namedtuple solution but want to change the variables, you can make it a full-blown Fruit class instead, which can be used as a drop-in replacement for the namedtuple Fruit in the above code.

class Fruit(object):
    def __init__(self, name, colour, shape):
        self.name = name
        self.colour = colour
        self.shape = shape
like image 92
Lauritz V. Thaulow Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 10:10

Lauritz V. Thaulow

It would be easiest to do this with a dictionary:

app_list = [
    ['Apple', 'red', 'circle'],
    ['Banana', 'yellow', 'abnormal'],
    ['Pear', 'green', 'abnormal']
app_keys = {}

for sub_list in app_list:
    app_keys["%s_n" % sub_list[0]] = sub_list[0]
    app_keys["%s_c" % sub_list[0]] = sub_list[1]
    app_keys["%s_s" % sub_list[0]] = sub_list[2]
like image 34
mVChr Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 11:10
