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Getting more hardware profiles in to Android Studio

I have been looking for some time now for where to obtain and how to import new hardware profiles in to Android Studio, or manually build new ones, but have been unsuccessful. Can someone point me to a resource that would allow me to do this? Specifically, I am talking about this area within Android Studio.

enter image description here

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bboursaw73 Avatar asked Jul 12 '16 05:07


People also ask

Can we create more than one AVD?

You can have two AVDs running in Android Studio just not two of the same devices. When you start a device, it locks it's necessary files. This lock causes and error when you try to start a second instance of the same device.

2 Answers

By clicking New Hardware Profile it should open a new window like this:

enter image description here

Here you can change the settings. If you don't come to this window I think something went wrong during the installing of Android Studio. Maybe you can try to reinstall Android Studio.

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TeaAge Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 05:10


from the main directory see ".android\devices.xml" which contains entries. For each entry there is an .ini file and an .avd directory. For both the name format is devicename_API_nn ---In each directory there are .ini files and .img files for storage emulation

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Cris Graue Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 04:10

Cris Graue