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How do I make my Android ContentObserver for ContactsContract detect a added, updated or deleted contact?

I am able to get a generic notification "that there was a change to the contacts DB", but I want to know the specific record that was inserted, updated, or deleted. Following is the code that gets registered and gets the onChange notification. Unfortunately, it is not specific which makes my processing exhaustive and inefficient.

Here is the code stub:

            if ((mNativeContactsObserver == null) && (mHandler == null)) {             mHandler = new Handler(this.getMainLooper()) {             };             mNativeContactsObserver = new ContentObserver(mHandler) {                 @Override                 public void onChange(boolean selfChange) {                     super.onChange(selfChange);                      Bundle data = null;                     Message message = mHandler.obtainMessage();                     if (message != null) {                         data = message.getData();                         if (data != null) {                             Logs.d(TAG, "Message = [" + message.toString() + "] data=[" + data.toString() + "]");                             Logs.d(TAG, "Contents = [" + message.describeContents() + "]");                         }                     }                      if (!selfChange) {                         final Account accountListen = MySyncAdapter.lookupAccount(TAG, getApplicationContext(), getUserProfile().getAccountId(), AUTHORITY_MY_SYNC);                         Logs.d(TAG, "onChange!? account: " + accountListen.name);                         if (!ContentResolver.isSyncPending(account, ContactsContract.AUTHORITY)                                  && (!ContentResolver.isSyncActive(account, ContactsContract.AUTHORITY))) {                             Bundle extras = new Bundle();                             extras.putInt(MySyncAdapter.EXTRA_SYNC_TYPE, MySyncAdapter.REQUEST_SYNC_NATIVE_CHANGED);                             ContentResolver.requestSync(accountListen, ContactsContract.AUTHORITY, extras);                         } else {                             Logs.w(TAG, "There is a pending sync.  This request is ignored.");                         }                     }                 }             };         }         Uri uriContactsListen = ContactsContract.Contacts.CONTENT_URI.buildUpon().appendEncodedPath("#").build();         Logs.i(TAG, "Register listening for native contacts changes. [" + uriContactsListen + "]");         cr.registerContentObserver(uriContactsListen, true, mNativeContactsObserver); 
like image 797
mobibob Avatar asked May 13 '11 19:05


1 Answers

Finally at least i am able to detect is this Update/Delete/Insert look at my OnChange method as below

 @Override        public void onChange(boolean selfChange) {            super.onChange(selfChange);            Log.e("ContactChangeObserver", "onChange");             // 0 Update , 1 Delete , 2 Added  // Get count from phone contacts            final int currentCount = contactDBOperaion.getContactsCountFromPhone();   // Get count from your sqlite database            int mContactCount= DbContacts.getInstance().getContactsCount();             if (currentCount < mContactCount) {                // DELETE HAPPEN.                Log.e("Status", "Deletion");                contactDBOperaion.SyncContacts(1);            } else if (currentCount == mContactCount) {                // UPDATE HAPPEN.                contactDBOperaion.SyncContacts(0);            } else {                // INSERT HAPPEN.                Log.e("Status", "Insertion");                contactDBOperaion.SyncContacts(2);            }        } 

When Update occurred i update all contacts

When Insert occurred i am inserting newly added row , after checking isExist in existing database

When Delete occurred not found solution yet

like image 171
IshRoid Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 10:09
