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Getting (mobile) device name from javascript

Is there a way to get the name of a mobile device (e.g. "John's iPhone" ) using javascript?

Maybe I wasn't very clear... what I meant is not whether it's an iPhone, iPad etc. but the "device name" - for example it can be "John's iPhone".

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julius_am Avatar asked Aug 13 '12 08:08


4 Answers

You can't do this through javascript for a web app running in a native browser - javascript generally doesn't have access to this personal identifying data.

One possible way is to use a framework like PhoneGap which may have an API to access the device name. But then, you can only deploy your web site via an app store, so this could be very limiting based on your use case.

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Kevin Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 15:09


Your best bet is to use the user agent:


const ua = navigator.userAgent
const device = {
  iPad: /iPad/.test(ua),
  iPhone: /iPhone/.test(ua),
  Android4: /Android 4/.test(ua)

The object will allow you to write nice conditional logic such as if(device.iPad) { /* do stuff */ }

like image 36
Adam Heath Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 15:09

Adam Heath

I'm working with mobile device with embedded scanner. To be able to use some the JavaScript library of different devices and to avoid conflict with those libraries of different manufacturer (Zebra, Honeywell, Datalogic, iOs ect...) I need to come up with a way to identify each devices so I can load the proper library and this is what I came up with. Enjoy

getDeviceName: function () {
    var deviceName = '';

    var isMobile = {
        Android: function() {
            return navigator.userAgent.match(/Android/i);
        Datalogic: function() {
            return navigator.userAgent.match(/DL-AXIS/i);
        Bluebird: function() {
            return navigator.userAgent.match(/EF500/i);
        Honeywell: function() {
            return navigator.userAgent.match(/CT50/i);
        Zebra: function() {
            return navigator.userAgent.match(/TC70|TC55/i);
        BlackBerry: function() {
            return navigator.userAgent.match(/BlackBerry/i);
        iOS: function() {
            return navigator.userAgent.match(/iPhone|iPad|iPod/i);
        Windows: function() {
            return navigator.userAgent.match(/IEMobile/i);
        any: function() {
            return (isMobile.Datalogic() || isMobile.Bluebird() || isMobile.Honeywell() || isMobile.Zebra() || isMobile.BlackBerry() || isMobile.Android() || isMobile.iOS() || isMobile.Windows());

    if (isMobile.Datalogic())
        deviceName = 'Datalogic';
    else if (isMobile.Bluebird())
        deviceName = 'Bluebird';
    else if (isMobile.Honeywell())
        deviceName = 'Honeywell';
    else if (isMobile.Zebra())
        deviceName = 'Zebra';
    else if (isMobile.BlackBerry())
        deviceName = 'BlackBerry';
    else if (isMobile.iOS())
        deviceName = 'iOS';
    else if ((deviceName == '') && (isMobile.Android()))
        deviceName = 'Android';
    else if ((deviceName == '') && (isMobile.Windows()))
        deviceName = 'Windows';

    if (deviceName != '') {
        consoleLog('Devices information deviceName = ' + deviceName);
        consoleLog('Devices information any = ' + isMobile.any());
        consoleLog('navigator.userAgent = ' + navigator.userAgent);

    return deviceName;

and this is an example of how it can be used:

initializeHandheldScanners: function () {
    if (DeviceCtrl.getDeviceName() == 'Zebra')

    if (DeviceCtrl.getDeviceName() == 'Honeywell')

    if (DeviceCtrl.getDeviceName() == 'Datalogic')

You can say thanks to Cory LaViska. I did this based on his work. Here is the link if you want to know more


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Damien1970 Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 15:09


You can use this snippet:

const getUA = () => {
    let device = "Unknown";
    const ua = {
        "Generic Linux": /Linux/i,
        "Android": /Android/i,
        "BlackBerry": /BlackBerry/i,
        "Bluebird": /EF500/i,
        "Chrome OS": /CrOS/i,
        "Datalogic": /DL-AXIS/i,
        "Honeywell": /CT50/i,
        "iPad": /iPad/i,
        "iPhone": /iPhone/i,
        "iPod": /iPod/i,
        "macOS": /Macintosh/i,
        "Windows": /IEMobile|Windows/i,
        "Zebra": /TC70|TC55/i,
    Object.keys(ua).map(v => navigator.userAgent.match(ua[v]) && (device = v));
    return device;

like image 21
Josh Merlino Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 15:09

Josh Merlino