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Getting hostname in MVC controller constructor

Is it possible to get the current hostname from the controller constructor?

Both the Request and HttpContext objects are null, so Request.Url yields nothing.

public class HomeController : Controller
    private readonly MyEntities _entities;

    public HomeController()
        var hostname = Request.Url;
        if (hostname.Contains("localhost")) EFConnectionStringName="localhost";
        else EFConnectionStringName="default";
        _entities = new MyEntities(EFConnectionStringName);

The greater problem I am trying to solve here is to choose a connection string for Entity Framework based upon the hostname. Ideas?

like image 852
Ben Power Avatar asked Nov 06 '13 07:11

Ben Power

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A controller is just a class (for example, a Visual Basic or C# class). The sample ASP.NET MVC application includes a controller named HomeController. cs located in the Controllers folder.

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1 Answers

Request is indeed null during the construction of your Controller. Try this instead:

protected override void Initialize(System.Web.Routing.RequestContext requestContext)
    var hostname = requestContext.HttpContext.Request.Url.Host;

    // do something based on 'hostname' value
    // ....


Also, please note that Request.Url will not return the hostname but a Uri object from which you can extract the hostname using Url.Host.


like image 88
haim770 Avatar answered Oct 30 '22 13:10
