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getting first node in xpath result set



I am trying to select the first element in a set of resulting nodes after executing an xpath query.

When I do this:


I get the following result set:

[<dl>​…​</dl>​, <dl>​…​</dl>​] 

How can I get the first one? Neither of these work:

//dl[1] //dl[position()=1] 

I am executing this in Chrome's Web Inspector.

like image 667
tipu Avatar asked Feb 08 '12 18:02


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1 Answers

Use the following:


The parentheses are significant. You want the first node that results from //dl (not the set of dl elements that are the first child of their parent (which is what //dl[1] (no parens) returns)).

This is easier to see when one realizes that // is shorthand for (i.e. expands fully to) /descendant-or-self::node()/ so that //dl[1] is equivalent to:


...which is more obviously not what you want. Instead, you're looking for:

like image 118
Wayne Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 04:09
