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Getting connected components from a QuickGraph graph

I'm new to graph theory.

I've created an adjacency graph with the QuickGraph library and ultimately, I'd like to have the connected components from the graph.

open QuickGraph

let tup = [(1M,1M); (2M, 18M); (3M, 3M); (4M, 5M); (5M, 24M); (24M, 6M); (7M, 6M); (8M, 9M); (10M, 9M)]

type Vertex = {decimal: decimal}

let edges = 
    |> List.map (fun x -> ({decimal = fst x}, {decimal = snd x}))
    |> List.map (fun x -> Edge<Vertex> x)

//Undirected Graph
let undirGraph = edges.ToUndirectedGraph()


let x = QuickGraph.Algorithms.ConnectedComponents.ConnectedComponentsAlgorithm(undirGraph)

Output from undirGraph.Edges:

val it : Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<Edge<Vertex>> =
[FSI_0227+Vertex->FSI_0227+Vertex {Source = {decimal = 1M;};
                                       Target = {decimal = 1M;};};
 FSI_0227+Vertex->FSI_0227+Vertex {Source = {decimal = 2M;};
                                   Target = {decimal = 18M;};};
 FSI_0227+Vertex->FSI_0227+Vertex {Source = {decimal = 3M;};
                                   Target = {decimal = 3M;};};
 FSI_0227+Vertex->FSI_0227+Vertex {Source = {decimal = 4M;};
                                   Target = {decimal = 5M;};}; ...]

and from undirGraph.Vertices:

val it : Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<Vertex> =
[{decimal = 1M;}; {decimal = 2M;}; {decimal = 18M;}; {decimal = 3M;}; ...]

are as expected.

The undirected graph is created successfully, but now I'm stuck. From here, I don't know how to get the connected components of the graph or, frankly, if I'm using the correct graph structure.

I would have expected x to contain the components in the graph but output from x;; in FSI looks like this:

output from x in the FSI

The values in the example tuple list represent BillTo and ShipTo customer ID values in a database.

The documentation in the QuickGraph library is sparse, particularly for someone trying to "learn on the fly."

This question supplants a previous question I posted. I had considered modifying my prior question but, as this is a completely separate question, have decided to leave it as is.

like image 331
Steven Avatar asked Sep 09 '16 20:09


People also ask

How do you find connected components in a directed graph?

A strongly connected component (SCC) of a directed graph is a maximal strongly connected subgraph. For example, there are 3 SCCs in the following graph. We can find all strongly connected components in O(V+E) time using Kosaraju's algorithm.

Can BFS be used to find connected components of a graph?

Breadth-first search (BFS) is used for finding all connected components in a graph (finding all nodes within one connected component). The set of nodes reached by a BFS are the largest connected component containing the start node.

Which algorithm can be used to find all the connected components of a graph?

We can use a traversal algorithm, either depth-first or breadth-first, to find the connected components of an undirected graph. If we do a traversal starting from a vertex v, then we will visit all the vertices that can be reached from v.

How many connected components does a connected graph have?

In a connected graph, there is exactly one component: the whole graph.

1 Answers

It turns out that you need to call the Compute method on the algorithm to actually get it to run!

I took your sample code and just added call to Compute:

let x = QuickGraph.Algorithms.ConnectedComponents.

Once you do this, x.Components contains a dictionary that assigns an index of a component to each vertex, so if you want groups of vertices (representing components), you can just group the results by the Value (which is the component index):

|> Seq.groupBy (fun kv -> kv.Value)
|> Seq.map (fun (comp, vertices) -> 
    comp, vertices |> Seq.map (fun kv -> kv.Key))

This gives the following:

[ (0, [{decimal = 1M;}]); 
  (1, [{decimal = 2M;}; {decimal = 18M;}]);
  (2, [{decimal = 3M;}]);
  (3, [{decimal = 4M;}; {decimal = 5M;}; {decimal = 24M;}; 
       {decimal = 6M;}; {decimal = 7M;}]);
  (4, [{decimal = 8M;}; {decimal = 9M;}; {decimal = 10M;}]) ]
like image 102
Tomas Petricek Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 12:10

Tomas Petricek