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Except with LIKE condition in LINQ




I have a list of strings which holds file paths.

List<string> allFilesWithPathList = new List<string>();


return allFilesWithPathList;

I have another list which holds a subset of files – but it has only the file name; not the path.

List<string> excludeList = new List<string>();

Now I need to get files from allFilesWithPathList that is not present in excludeList. Currently I am doing the following, using EXCEPT, after creating another list with file names only.

List<string> allFileNamesOnlyList = new List<string>();
foreach (string fileNameWithPath in allFilesWithPathList)
    //Remove path and get only file name
    int pos = fileNameWithPath.LastIndexOf(@"\") + 1;
    string value = fileNameWithPath.Substring(pos, fileNameWithPath.Length - pos);

//EXCEPT logic
List<string> eligibleListToProcess = allFileNamesOnlyList.Except(excludeList).ToList();

What is the best way in LINQ to get this logic working without introducing another list like the above?

Note: I am using .Net 4.5

Complete code

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        List<string> allFilesWithPathList = GetAllFilesWithPath();

        List<string> excludeList = new List<string>();

        List<string> allFileNamesOnlyList = new List<string>();
        foreach (string fileNameWithPath in allFilesWithPathList)
            //Remove path and get only file name
            int pos = fileNameWithPath.LastIndexOf(@"\") + 1;
            string value = fileNameWithPath.Substring(pos, fileNameWithPath.Length - pos);

        //EXCEPT logic
        List<string> eligibleListToProcess = allFileNamesOnlyList.Except(excludeList).ToList();

        //Print all eligible files
        foreach (string s in eligibleListToProcess)

    public static List<string> GetAllFilesWithPath()
        List<string> allFilesWithPathList = new List<string>();


        return allFilesWithPathList;
like image 937
LCJ Avatar asked Aug 23 '16 20:08


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2 Answers

allFilesWithPathList.Where(path => !allFileNamesOnlyList.Contains(Path.GetFileName(path));

There are two improvements here.

  1. Path.GetFileName is much better than splitting the path yourself.
  2. IEnumerable.Where in conjunction with ICollection.Contains to actually query the list in a succinct and easy to read way.
like image 139
George Richardson Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 06:09

George Richardson

This should work

allFilesWithPathList.Where(x => !excludeList.Any(y => x.EndsWith(y)))
like image 22
Joe Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 06:09
