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Getting "Cannot verify client. (3000)" when trying to upload archive from Xcode to itunesConnect

People also ask

How do I archive applications in Xcode?

Archive your App In Xcode with your project open, select the simulator (button near the top of the window next to your project name, typically named as a specific type of iPhone) – change it to Generic iOS Device. Open the Product menu and choose Archive. You will see the archive information. Click Validate App.

What is an Xcode archive?

Archive: As its name says, it is the overall package (that contains . app and other related files). From archive you can create . IPA file similar to . apk file (android) with that you can distribute your application.

Hmmm, well a restart of Xcode, a fresh clean, build and archive seems to have fixed it.

If you encounter this error, you have two options:

Option A - Engage in an activity that takes a minute or two. Could be any of the activities described in the other answers, like re-install XCode, renew certificates, do a new build from scratch after clearing caches. Or simply go get a coffee.


Option B - Do nothing at all for a little while.

Then, try again. If it doesn't work, repeat.

Just updated to Xcode 7.1 and getting this error. Was able to upload fine using 7.0.1

same here - restart, clean build, archive and upload was successful.

Same problem here. Grabbing a cup of ☕️ worked for me.