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Getting a Value from a JsonArray using gson

I have searched everywhere and cannot find out how to do this, I'm super stuck. I have NO experience with JSON files, so spoon feeding is appreciated along with an explanation.

I have this JSON text here for testing:


I currently have this:

    JsonElement playerProfile = new JsonParser().parse(jsonLine);
    JsonObject jsonProfile = playerProfile.getAsJsonObject();
    JsonArray properties = jsonProfile.getAsJsonArray("properties");

Which returns [


Of course. How do I get the "value" from this JsonArray? Note I'm using Google's API, Gson

like image 420
Sage M Avatar asked Dec 28 '16 03:12

Sage M

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1 Answers

You can get values using:

JsonObject propertiesJson = properties.get(0);
String value = propertiesJson.getString("value");
like image 165
Shubham Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 06:09
