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getActivity() had returned null when isDetached() had returned false

Once upon a time my debugger hit the breakpoint on Log.d:

public void onDataChanged(DataTypeChanged dataType) {
    if (!isDetached()) {
            Log.d(CommonConstants.DEBUG_TAG, "Yes, it is null.");
        List<WeekViewCoreTask> tasks = DataProvider


getActivity() returns null when isDetached() returns false

I thought this never could occur. How this could occur: getActivity() had returned null when isDetached() had returned false?

like image 262
Sergey Avatar asked Mar 20 '23 18:03


1 Answers

Not 100% sure on this, but according to the Android docs, isDetached() will only return true if a Fragment has been explicitly detached from its Activity. There are several other reasons a Fragment's parent Activity could be null, though. It might be best to instead call isAdded to check if the Fragment is currently attach to its Activity

like image 85
NasaGeek Avatar answered Apr 06 '23 15:04
