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Get Webpack not to bundle files

So right now I'm working with a prototype where we're using a combination between webpack (for building .tsx files and copying .html files) and webpack-dev-server for development serving. As you can assume we are also using React and ReactDOM as a couple of library dependencies as well. Our current build output is the following structure:

dist     -favicon.ico     -index.html     -main.js     -main.js.map // for source-mapping between tsx / js files 

This places ALL of the modules (including library dependencies into on big bundled file). I want the end result to look like this:

dist     -favicon.ico     -index.html     -appName.js     -appName.min.js     -react.js     -react.min.js     -reactDOM.js     -reactDOM.min.js 

I have references to each of the libraries in index.html and in import statements in the .tsx files. So my question is this... How do I go from webpack producing this gigantic bundled .js file to individual .js files (libraries included, without having to specify each individually)? **Bonus: I know how to do prod/dev environment flags, so how do I just minify those individual files (again without bundling them)?

current webpack.config:

var webpack = require("webpack"); // Assigning node package of webpack dependency to var for later utilization var path = require("path"); // // Assigning node package of path dependency to var for later utilization  module.exports = {     entry:  [                 "./wwwroot/app/appName.tsx", // Starting point of linking/compiling Typescript and dependencies, will need to add separate entry points in case of not deving SPA                 "./wwwroot/index.html", // Starting point of including HTML and dependencies, will need to add separate entry points in case of not deving SPA                 "./wwwroot/favicon.ico" // Input location for favicon             ],     output: {         path: "./dist/", // Where we want to host files in local file directory structure         publicPath: "/", // Where we want files to appear in hosting (eventual resolution to: https://localhost:4444/)         filename: "appName.js" // What we want end compiled app JS file to be called     },      // Enable sourcemaps for debugging webpack's output.     devtool: "source-map",      devServer: {         contentBase: './dist', // Copy and serve files from dist folder         port: 4444, // Host on localhost port 4444         // https: true, // Enable self-signed https/ssl cert debugging         colors: true // Enable color-coding for debugging (VS Code does not currently emit colors, so none will be present there)     },      resolve: {         // Add '.ts' and '.tsx' as resolvable extensions.         extensions: [             "",             ".ico",             ".js",             ".ts",             ".tsx",             ".web.js",             ".webpack.js"         ]     },      module: {         loaders: [             // This loader copies the index.html file & favicon.ico to the output directory.             {                 test: /\.(html|ico)$/,                 loader: 'file?name=[name].[ext]'             },             // All files with a '.ts' or '.tsx' extension will be handled by 'ts-loader'.             {                 test: /\.tsx?$/,                 loaders: ["ts-loader"]             }         ],          preLoaders: [             // All output '.js' files will have any sourcemaps re-processed by 'source-map-loader'.             {                 test: /\.js$/,                 loader: "source-map-loader"             }         ]     },      // When importing a module whose path matches one of the following, just     // assume a corresponding global variable exists and use that instead.     // This is important because it allows us to avoid bundling all of our     // dependencies, which allows browsers to cache those libraries between builds.     // externals: {     //     "react": "React",     //     "react-dom": "ReactDOM",     //     "redux": "Redux"     // } }; 
like image 466
B. Blunt Avatar asked Oct 17 '16 22:10

B. Blunt

People also ask

How does a webpack decide to bundle?

Webpack builds a dependency graph used internally Now all modules that are used in your app are included in the dependency graph. Your project have many installed dependencies in the node_modules folder that should not be included in your client-side JavaScript production bundle.

Which package is used to add the initial package of webpack?

If you're installing a package for development purposes (e.g. a linter, testing libraries, etc.) then you should use npm install --save-dev . More information can be found in the npm documentation. In this setup, index.

Where is webpack config js?

The webpack configuration file webpack. config. js is the file that contains all the configuration, plugins, loaders, etc. to build the JavaScript part of the NativeScript application. The file is located at the root of the NativeScript application.

2 Answers

Change the output setting to be name driven e.g.

    entry: {         dash: 'app/dash.ts',         home: 'app/home.ts',     },     output: {         path: './public',         filename: 'build/[name].js',         sourceMapFilename: 'build/[name].js.map'     }, 
like image 128
basarat Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 21:09


To expand upon @basarat's answer, you can use the glob package from node's standard library to build the "entry" config:

const glob = require("glob");  module.exports = [   {     target: "node",     entry: glob.sync("./src/**/*.test.{ts,tsx}").reduce((acc, file) => {       acc[file.replace(/^\.\/src\//, "")] = file;       return acc;     }, {}),     output: {       filename: "[name].js",       chunkFilename: "[name]-[id].js",       path: __dirname + "/dist"     },     //...   } ]; 

This builds files with the same name as their source, replacing .ts and .tsx with .js.

like image 31
Mike Marcacci Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 21:09

Mike Marcacci