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Get value of highlighted option in React-Select

I'm using react-select v2 with an async select component.

            components={{ Option }}

How do I access the value of an option that is highlighted as a result of using the down key on keyboard or hovering with a mouse?

I would like to trigger a redirect or setState based on the highlighted option. onKeyDown only sends in the input value as event.target.value.

Here is an example from Nordstrom's website:

enter image description here

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Avi Kaminetzky Avatar asked Aug 02 '18 19:08

Avi Kaminetzky

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2 Answers

I don't think it's possible to do it using only react-select api, but you can create own HOC which will add this functionality to AsyncSelect.

class MyAsyncSelect extends React.Component {

  /* Select component reference can be used to get currently focused option */
  getFocusedOption() {
    return this.ref.select.select.state.focusedOption;

  /* we'll store lastFocusedOption as instance variable (no reason to use state) */
  componentDidMount() {
    this.lastFocusedOption = this.getFocusedOption();

  /* Select component reference can be used to check if menu is opened */
  isMenuOpen() {
    return this.ref.select.state.menuIsOpen;

  /* This function will be called after each user interaction (click, keydown, mousemove).
     If menu is opened and focused value has been changed we will call onFocusedOptionChanged 
     function passed to this component using props. We do it asynchronously because onKeyDown
     event is fired before the focused option has been changed.
  onUserInteracted = () => {
    Promise.resolve().then(() => {
      const focusedOption = this.getFocusedOption();
      if (this.isMenuOpen() && this.lastFocusedOption !== focusedOption) {
        this.lastFocusedOption = focusedOption;

  /* in render we're setting onUserInteracted method as callback to different user interactions */
  render () {
    return (
      <div onMouseMove={this.onUserInteracted} onClick={this.onUserInteracted}> 
          ref={ref => this.ref = ref}

Then you can use this custom component in the same way as AsyncSelect but with ability to react on focused option changes:

class App extends React.Component {

  onFocusedOptionChanged = focusedValue => console.log(focusedValue) 

  render() {
    return (

working demo: https://stackblitz.com/edit/react-z7izuy

EDIT: version with additional prop onOptionSelected which will be called when option is selected by user. https://stackblitz.com/edit/react-wpljbl

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Wilhelm Olejnik Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 12:10

Wilhelm Olejnik

I solved it by using onChange props.

  1. UI/Select component

      class CustomSelect extends React.PureComponent<IProps> {
        handleChange = (selectedOption: any) => {
        if (this.props.onSelect) {
      render() {
        const { data } = this.props;
        return (


    1. Parent where I used CustomSelect with react-router 4 (I have access to withRouter).

      class SelectParent extends React.Component<IProps> {
        onSelect = (option: any) => {
        const id = option.value;
        const { history } = this.props;
      render() {
        const { data } = this.props;
        return (
      export default withRouter<any>(SelectParent);
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Елена Семенова Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 12:10

Елена Семенова