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Get top n values per category in pandas retaining all columns




After some transformations I got the following dataframe, how do I proceed to obtain the top n records by a column in this case short_name and using other as indicator frequency. I read this post but the problem with both solutions is that they get rid of the column product_name, they just retain the grouped column and I need to keep them all.

short_name          product_id    frequency
Yoghurt y cereales  975009684     32
Yoghurt y cereales  975009685     21
Yoghurt y cereales  975009700     16
Yoghurt y Cereales  21097         16
Yoghurt Bebible     21329         68
Yoghurt Bebible     21328         67
Yoghurt Bebible     21500         31
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Alberto Bonsanto Avatar asked Jun 23 '17 18:06

Alberto Bonsanto

People also ask

How will you find the top 5 records of a DataFrame?

head(n) to get the first n rows of the DataFrame. It takes one optional argument n (number of rows you want to get from the start). By default n = 5, it return first 5 rows if value of n is not passed to the method.

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Definition and Usage The values property returns all values in the DataFrame. The return value is a 2-dimensional array with one array for each row.

How do you find the top 3 records in python?

Pandas nlargest function can take more than one variable to order the top rows. We can give a list of variables as input to nlargest and get first n rows ordered by the list of columns in descending order. Here we get top 3 rows with largest values in column “lifeExp” and then “gdpPercap”.

1 Answers

I'd try to use nlargest method:

In [5]: df.groupby('short_name', as_index=False).apply(lambda x: x.nlargest(2, 'frequency'))
             short_name  product_id  frequency
0 4     Yoghurt Bebible       21329         68
  5     Yoghurt Bebible       21328         67
1 3  Yoghurt y Cereales       21097         16
2 0  Yoghurt y cereales   975009684         32
  1  Yoghurt y cereales   975009685         21
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MaxU - stop WAR against UA Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 13:09

MaxU - stop WAR against UA