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Get the $this in angularjs

Here is my issue.

HTML structure :

<tr><td><a ng-click=aClick()>Click Me</a></td></tr>

I cannot have any id/class associated with the and

What I require is that on the click of 'Click Me', the <tr> gets hidden. I need a jQuery solution. Some how I am not able to use $(this).


$scope.aClick = function() {

But this statement gives me an error.

like image 883
Bhumi Singhal Avatar asked Apr 23 '13 07:04

Bhumi Singhal

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2 Answers

Note: I wouldn't recommend using dom manipulation in a controller, you can write a directive to do this. That said you can use the $event to get the event object, from which you can get the event target and use it with jquery.

<tr><td><a ng-click="aClick($event)">Click Me</a></td></tr>


  $scope.aClick = function(event) {

Demo: Plunker

A more appropriate angular solution will be is to use ng-hide

<tr ng-hide="hideRow"><td><a ng-click="hideRow = true">Click Me</a></td></tr>

Demo: Plunker

Updated demo with ng-repeat

like image 138
Arun P Johny Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 23:10

Arun P Johny

Since you're using angular, you should very seldom need to do actual dom manipulation. Instead, check out the ng-hide/ng-show directive that should do this for you.

An example from the Angular docs:

    Click me: <input type="checkbox" ng-model="checked"><br/>
    Show: <span ng-show="checked">I show up when you checkbox is checked?</span> <br/>
    Hide: <span ng-hide="checked">I hide when you checkbox is checked?</span>


If the variable in the expression is updated asynchronously, you can force an updated with $scope.$apply

like image 31
NilsH Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 00:10
