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Get the results as 120 using five zeros



One of my friend was asked this question in the interview.

You have 5 zeros. using these 5 zeros and any mathematical functions, you have to get the result of 120.

He could not answer this. Neither I am able to see any valid answers.

Does anyone have any solution to this?

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Sachin Shanbhag Avatar asked Mar 03 '11 17:03

Sachin Shanbhag

People also ask

What is the maximum numerical value you can make with 5 zeros and using only one mathematical operations at once?

Using these 5 zeros and any mathematical functions, you have to get the result of 120. Answer Added!!! (0!+ 0!+

2 Answers

( 0! + 0! + 0! + 0! + 0! ) ! = 120
like image 111
Matthew Rygiel Avatar answered Nov 05 '22 14:11

Matthew Rygiel

(cos(0) + cos(0) + cos(0) + cos(0) + cos(0))!

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Jerry Coffin Avatar answered Nov 05 '22 14:11

Jerry Coffin