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Mirror image of a binary tree

Suppose there is a tree:

            / \
           2   3
              / \
             4   5

Then the mirror image will be:

             / \
            3   2
           / \
          5   4

Assume the nodes are of this structure:

struct node{
      node left;
      node right;
      int value;

Can someone suggest an algorithm for this?

like image 574
Anand Avatar asked Dec 06 '10 12:12


2 Answers

Sounds like homework.

It looks very easy. Write a recursive routine that depth-first visits every node and builds the mirror tree with left and right reversed.

struct node *mirror(struct node *here) {

  if (here == NULL)
     return NULL;
  else {

    struct node *newNode = malloc (sizeof(struct node));

    newNode->value = here->value;
    newNode->left = mirror(here->right);
    newNode->right = mirror(here->left);

    return newNode;

This returns a new tree - some other answers do this in place. Depends on what your assignment asked you to do :)

like image 114
The Archetypal Paul Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 17:10

The Archetypal Paul

void swap_node(node n) {
  if(n != null) {
    node tmp = n.left;
    n.left = n.right;
    n.right = tmp;


like image 36
Nicolas Repiquet Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 17:10

Nicolas Repiquet