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Get the number of times a test has failed in Jenkins



We have some tests that fail periodically for no reason, mainly, JUnit times out. I want to know if I can get the number of times each test has failed. With that, I can see if it is certain tests that keep have issues, or it is not tied to tricky tests and more an issue with the stability of Jenkins on that server.

like image 761
varikin Avatar asked Nov 16 '12 15:11


People also ask

How to find the errors in Jenkins?

In Jenkins, in the pipeline where failure occurred, in the pane, select the latest build, and click Console Output. On the Console Output page, check the logs to find the reason for the failure.

Why your tests may pass locally but fail in Jenkins?

This is most likely due to cached dependencies on the Jenkins server and the new dependencies didn't have their versions updated. If you have internal libraries or domains, then they may be causing this issue.

1 Answers

I encountered the same problems and we made a python that can grab the failings tests in the last N builds :

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#! /usr/bin/python
import urllib
import re
import sys

jenkin_host = "http://path.to.your.jenkins/jenkins/job/%s" % project

last_build = int(re.search("%s #(\d+)" % project, urllib.urlopen(jenkin_host + "/rssAll").read()).group(1))

start_build = last_build
nb_build = 200

REG_EXP = """All Failed Tests(.*)All Tests"""
FAILURE_REG_EXP = """javascript:hideStackTrace\(([^<]*)\)"""

all_failures = {}
last_seen = {}

print "Loading %s builds starting from build number %s" % (nb_build, start_build)

build_ok = 0

for build_id in range(start_build - nb_build, start_build + 1):
    test_page = jenkin_host + "/%s/testReport/" % build_id
    failures = set()
    for line in urllib.urlopen(test_page).readlines():
        line_piece = re.search(REG_EXP, line)
        if line_piece:
            piece = line_piece.group(1)
            match = re.search(FAILURE_REG_EXP, piece)
            while (match):
                match = re.search(FAILURE_REG_EXP, piece[match.start():match.end()])
    if not failures:
        build_ok += 1
    for failure in failures:
        all_failures[failure] = all_failures.get(failure, 0) + 1
        last_seen[failure] = build_id
print "Done (found %s build OK)" % build_ok

nbs = [ x for x in list(set(all_failures.values())) if x > 1]

for i in nbs:
    for test, nb in all_failures.iteritems():
        if nb == i :
            print "%d : %s (last seen : %s)" % (nb, test, last_seen[test])

And I obtain :

Loading 200 builds starting from build number 11032
Done (found 148 build OK)
8 : 'one failing test' (last seen : 10906)
7 : 'another-failing-test' (last seen : 11019)
like image 184
Cédric Julien Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 04:10

Cédric Julien